Police Officer Brian Zagorski never encountered this scene before in his 12 years of work. While Brian was patrolling his town in...
A Heart-Warming Bronze Living Statue Performance Of Jaspe, A Brazilian Little Dog One common occurrence to international tourists while walking in the...
A Heart Warming Moment Shared Between A Random Stranger And A Little Boy On The NYC Subway Caught On Video And Quickly...
Keow Wee Loong, an extraordinary Malaysian photographer shows off fearless photography skills for the couple Danny Ong and Krystle Lee. The couple...
Spending more than 30 days chasing storms, Dustin Farrell, an American photographer and filmmaker traveled 20,000 miles just to capture the...
Every year, lighting the Vilnius Christmas Tree has become an annual tradition in the Lithuanian capital. The Christmas season officially starts when...
What if your favorite beach suddenly disappears out of nowhere, only to reappear 12 years later? This is exactly what happened in...
An adventure company in Bristol, England recently thought of the unthinkable – to recreate the 2009 Pixar movie Up by flying 8,000...
Every day, thousands of commuters in Munich, Germany literally spend hours going to work every morning commuting on subway trains and squeezing...