During A Shark Attack, A Hero Dad Repeatedly Punched Shark To Save His Daughter’s Life A swift action from a dad required...
Mike Holston from Miami, Florida, calls himself King Of The Jungle and The Real Tarzan, who is currently working as wildlife biologist,...
It was Shaun Jeffers, a photographer that first published on Bored Panda a post about New Zealand’s glowing underworld. A couple of months...
It’s been 60 years since Gustave, the man-eating crocodile hid on Ruzizi River banks in Burundi. An almost mythical monster that has...
What if your favorite beach suddenly disappears out of nowhere, only to reappear 12 years later? This is exactly what happened in...
A 23 year old Goldfish called Sally, started to have difficulty swimming and spent most of her time scraping the bottom of...