
Hotel Welcomed 900 Dogs and Their Families During Hurricane

As the hurricane Irma approached Florida for an eminent natural disaster, a lot of residents faced a difficult situation: People were considering leaving their homes and leaving their pets or staying behind. One of the reasons? Most hotels do not allow guests to bring pets with them.

Hyatt Regency Orlando however, had a different take on the situation. They are one of the few hotels who welcomed guests to take their beloved pets with them.

Source: LifeDaily

The marketing manager of Hyatt Regency Orlando told Lifedaily, “We proudly welcomed over 4,500 guests and over 900 dogs during Hurricane Irma,”

What’s great is that Hyatt even dropped it’s hotel cleaning fee from the standard $100 to a whopping $50 over the weekend.

Source: Shelterme

A young guest who stayed over for the weekend with her family and two dogs in their wing was more than grateful for the hotel’s touching act. “I couldn’t imagine leaving them in a shelter and not knowing if they were okay. We’re glad that they’re with us so we know that they’re safe.”


Most of the guests who stayed over for the weekend at Hyatt were treated to facilities such as a multipurpose room, pool tables, and movies available to entertain them and their pets.

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