It has been circling around the internet about this Angelina Jolie’s wannabe Sahar Tabar who looks like a creepy ‘Corpse Bride’ instead of Jolie.

Source: BuzzFlare
The 19-year-old teen girl from Iran who supposedly had gone with over 50 cosmetic procedures just to be like Angelina.
It was globally debated after she posted some images on Instagram which gives a shocking reaction to the people. Many of them believed that Sahar is hiding a mask of make-up and Photoshop while others believed that everything they saw is a genuine transformation, but the Iranian teen remains silent.
Despite her silence for a couple of days, Sahar finally reveals the truth behind those creepy looks.
In a statement, she said, “This is Photoshop and makeup. Every time I published a photo, I paint my face in an increasingly funny way. It is a way of expressing yourself, a kind of art. My fans know that this is not my real face.”

Source: BuzzFlare
She also admits that she had her nose, enlarged mouth, and liposuction but did not have 50 cosmetic surgeries. However, rumors also claim that Sahar lost weight extremely just like Angelina Jolie’s skeletal figure and Sahar admits it but not just like Jolie’s figure which has 40kg. Today she maintains her figure in a normal range which is 54kg.