Every day, thousands of commuters in Munich, Germany literally spend hours going to work every morning commuting on subway trains and squeezing in the traffic. But not for 40-year old Benjamin David who swims the Isar River approximately two kilometers every day for thirty minutes to get to his workplace for the past two years.

Source: Benjamin David/Facebook
Sick of the traffic from his usual early commute from his place, he decided to choose the alternative. He’s also geared up with his special waterproof bag that protects his laptop, paperwork and clothes from getting wet. It serves a dual purpose, acting as a buoy allowing him to float in the river if ever he gets tired.

Source: Benjamin David/Facebook
However, Benjamin does his routine with extra caution as swimming on the river can be dangerous. He checks the temperature, water level, and the strength of the current before he leaves. As soon as he checks everything is within normal limits, he jumps off into the water, heading to work.

Source: Benjamin David/Facebook
As of this writing, Benjamin may have been the only person to swim in the Isar River going to work. But there are other men around the world like Gabriel Horchler and Fang Shuyun who also swim on a river when going to work.
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