All of us have different ways on how we show our love.
A photo taken by a netizen shows a guy wearing his girlfriend’s high heels. His girl was waiting to see her doctor in Xinqiao Hospital, Chongqing, Southern China. According to an interview, a netizen with the surname Xie says that she saw how the girl looked uncomfortable wearing her high heels, and so her boyfriend offered to swap it with his more comfy sandals.

Source: AsiaWire
According to the netizen, by the time the woman’s number was called, she offered to swap her footwear with the guy. Instead, he flat out refused, took her hand, and led her inside the clinic to see the doctor.

Source: AsiaWire
The photo of the guy’s sweet act earned almost 25,000 likes on social media and even gained praises of how he would do anything, even looking silly in public, just for the sake of the woman he loves. He sacrificed his own comfort for her.
Indeed, his girlfriend is lucky as this guy is surely a real keeper.
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