“In order to survive, I learned how to manage my money, prioritize tasks, and juggle between my work and studies. I learned how to communicate because I had to convince employers to let a 14-year-old girl work for them,”

Source: The World of Buzz
These were the very words of Jazz Tan Yee Mei, an entrepreneur who, at the young age of 14, lost her own father who was murdered. Struggling to survive at a young age, she worked odd jobs just so she could support herself in her studies and as well as her mom.
However, despite the number of difficulties she’s faced, she was able to excel in school and even secure a scholarship at KDU taking up Computer Science.
Her roots in starting her own company started when friends asked her to organize an event.
“I was told by the person-in-charge that I needed to use a company or an NGO’s name. That’s how I established my first company at the age of 18.”

Source: Jazz Tan Yee Mei’s Facebook Account
Every day, she did not stop learning and growing through her clients. It was then that she earned sufficient capital that she founded YouthsToday.com wherein the company’s vision is to help “young Malaysians find ideal sponsors to fund their events and simultaneously motivated youngsters in a mission to keep them off the streets.”

Source: Jazz Tan Yee Mei’s Facebook Account
Now, Jazz Tan Yee Mei at the young age of 27, landed on Forbes 30 under 30 Asia’s list!
Simply amazing! What is your reaction? Share your thoughts by making a comment below!