Whether we like it or not, social media became a huge part of our everyday lives. It’s how we express ourselves, as well as connect with other people. But what if you meet someone who does not have social media at all?
Would that sound like a modern-day horror story?

YouTube / Comic Relief
Comic Relief created a vlog just recently of the utter horror of how it feels to date someone who does not even exist…in any social media platform.
You take a sweet selfie with him as a couple and you cannot tag him. You won’t even have an overview of his life before he met you. A good example of this is that you cannot even stalk photos of him and his ex, or who his circle of friends is.

YouTube / Comic Relief
He does not have Instagram to post of his recent travels, if he has an opinion, he does not have a Twitter to tweet his thoughts- rather, he just tells the person face to face his opinions.
You just find a dusty old photo-album of his memories under his bed. There is not even a ‘comments section’ below it.
Perhaps, the scariest thing of all is that he does not have a ‘digital footprint’. In short, he merely just exists…in person.
See this modern-day horror story in the video below! 😊