During A Shark Attack, A Hero Dad Repeatedly Punched Shark To Save His Daughter’s Life
A swift action from a dad required him to punch a shark several times to save his daughter’s life from sure death.
People reported that 17-year-old Paige Winter was victimized by a “horrific” shark attack incident on June 2. Paige was with her family at Atlantic Beach that day when suddenly a shark attacked her and pulled her under.
Charlie, a firefighter, paramedic, and veteran, Paige’s dad, knew just what to do to for the shark to release her daughter and it’s every man’s instinct on what to do with an attacker, Charlie repeatedly punched the shark’s nose until it let go of his daughter.
Thankfully, Paige’s brave dad, Charlie, who was with her at the beach, knew what to do to make the shark release his daughter. “They were standing in waist-deep water and chatting and then Paige suddenly got pulled under,” family friend Brandon Bersch told Today Parents.
“Charlie wouldn’t stop until it released his little girl. He lives for his children.”
Upon release of the shark, Charlie “remained calm the entire time,” instantly applied pressure to Paige’s injured leg. “Paige is alive today because of her father,” Brandon said.
As a result of the shark attack, Paige ended up losing her left leg above the knee, and received “serious injuries to her hands”, despire all of this, Paige was filled with gratitude in her heart for her brave father’s heroic act towards her and filled with hopeful expectancy for her fast recovery.
“Although I have extensive injuries, including an amputated leg and damage to my hands, I will be okay,” Paige said in a statement shared on GoFundMe. “Thank you to the care team at Vidant Medical Center who is continuing to provide excellent care. I know I have a long road to recovery, which includes additional surgeries. I will continue to stay positive and be thankful that it was not worse.”
See Dad And Daughter Tandem

Watch Video Below Of Paige Winter, 17-Year Old Shark Attack Survivor