A 12-year-old girl who was reported missing for a week was found being guarded by three lions which surprisingly did not harm the girl one bit.
The girl had been taken away about 350 miles southwest of Addis Ababa by seven men.
The girl had been abducted and was beaten repeatedly and trying to force to marry one of the seven men but she kept on refusing. After being beaten many times, the girl continues to cry which attracted the lion’s attention and ran into the house where she had been held.
The lions chased the men away and ended up guarding the girl to ensure that her captors were completely gone and will never come back.
Meanwhile, cops in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia received a call from the seven men calling for help as they were chased by lions and cops found out that the men had abducted the 12-year-old missing girl.
When the relatives and cops rescued her, they were amazed how the lions guarded the girl. But instead of chasing them, the lions eventually walked away. Sgt. Wondimu said, “They stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest.”
The girl is the youngest of the family, according to Sgt. Wondimu, she was still in a state of shock and terrified and needed to treat the cuts from her beatings. He added that four abductors had been caught while the other three were still at large.
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