Our canine friends just need a little apprentice work training and they will learn fast to do useful tasks that merit payments just like human employees do.
Here are our top ten list of dogs who are paid to work real jobs.
Top #10 Dog Who Works As A Security Guard

Source: Reddit
Top #9 Dog Who Works As A Video Game Developer

Source: Reddit
Top #8 Dog Who Works As Sea Turtle’s Eggs Rescuer

Source: Reddit
Top #7 Dog Who Works As A Flower Assistant

Source: Reddit
Top #6 Dog Who Works As An Airport Land Assistant

Source: Reddit
Top #5 Dog Who Works As An Official Stamp Licker At A Post Office

Source: Reddit
Top #4 Dog Who Works As A LifeGuard In Croatia

Source: Reddit
Top #3 Dog Who Works As A Child Testifier Helper In A Court

Source: Reddit
Top #2 Dog Who Works As A Veterinarian’s Assistant

Source: Reddit
Top #1 Dog Who Works As A Shopping Assistant

Source: Reddit
So there you have our short-list of top 10 dogs that can work wonders for you and yes don’t forget to give them fringe benefits and fair compensation. Remember, they are not just man’s best friend but they are man’s best employee.